Friday 13 November 2015

The Devastating Effects Of Hair Loss In Women

While it is thought to be strictly a man’s illness, a significant percentage of women around the world experience hair loss.

Hair loss in Women
Hair loss in Women
According to recent study findings, about forty percent of women experience hair loss by the time they hit the age of forty. Hair loss is not only devastating on emotional well-being but also for self-image.
It is unfortunate that society chooses to ignore the effects that hair loss can have on women. Generally, more attention is paid to hair loss in men than in women. The thing that most people, including medical professionals, don’t realize is that hair loss can be as devastating as any other illness.
Regardless of whether it is short or long, wavy or straight, bouncy or sleek, hair is more than just fiber. For women, it is a symbol of personality and individual style. Scientific research has also proven the existence of a link between self image and hair. Now if the occasional bad hair day can manage to make a woman feel distressed, you can bet that hair loss is far more devastating as this is something a woman would be reminded of every time she looked in the mirror.
Self esteem is also challenged when women experience a thinning hairline. This usually happens because as women, they are highly sensitive to social expectations concerning their hair. Physical attractiveness is considered a cornerstone of self-esteem and if comprised, in this case by thinning hair, women become vulnerable. Any measures of self worth including self-esteem drop when women experience hair loss.
Hair is one of the criterions used to measure the attractiveness of a woman. It is also an important factor of measuring individuality as it affects how they are perceived by the rest of the world. Unlike men whose hair represents masculinity and virility, hair loss in women is likely to make them feel less attractive to the opposite sex compared to how before hair thinning occurred. Given that hair is biblically considered a symbol of power (in the story of Samson and Delilah), hair loss ruins a woman’s attractiveness and leads to dissatisfaction with body image.
While long and healthy hair is not always a sign of confidence, scientific research has proven that hair loss is often results in loss of confidence in women. However, the psychological impact of this is not easily determinable especially if we consider the fact that it is easier for women to hide their baldness with wigs compared to men.
If you are interested in having Hair Transplant Surgery call Moorgate Aesthetics on CALL 03300 244 858

Friday 23 October 2015

More women are choosing hair transplants

There was a time when hair transplants were almost exclusively a male dominated cosmetic surgery procedure.

hair transplant for women
hair transplant for women

Things may be changing as more women choose a hair transplant as a way of restoring their crowning glory.

In the world of hair transplants things have moved on a lot it seems. Gone are the days when you could spot a hair transplant on the other side of the street. To be precise it was the tell tale hair line that looked like a row of crops growing in clumps that gave the secret away. In the seventies these types of hair transplant, often called “plug grafts “, were considered state of the art. How things have changed.
Today the principle of a hair transplant remains the same, but its perhaps the cosmetic result that has engaged a new generation of hair transplant buyers, namely women.
The big breakthrough is the way the donor hair , that’s the hair taken from the back of the head, is prepared before transplanting it into the balding area.  The donor grafts are dissected under microscope and placed in carefully made tiny cuts in the balding area. Because these donor grafts are so tiny they can be packed quite close together. The result is that the hair appears to be coming out of the scalp singularly rather in unnatural looking clumps.
It is this leapfrog in a better appearance that has got women choosing a hair transplant as a realistic option to restore lost hair.
Women can lose their hair in the same way as men do. Arguably it is even more devastating for a woman to suddenly realise that she is going bald. There are medications that can be taken to help stem the tide of loss, but a hair transplant remains the only credible procedure for restoring lost hair.
It is notable that celebrities are now openly admitting to a hair transplant and the impressive results on show have no doubt inspired others to follow suit. To be honest, it is still male celebrities that are leading this publicity charge, but surely it cannot be too long before a female celebrity reveals the results of a great hair transplant.
I hope that day will come soon because the likes of Wayne Rooney has helped thousands of men to take the step and do something positive about their hair loss.
If you would like more information and advice on Hair transplant for women Just give us a call on 01302 246 130 or email us at or book an appointment with our hair transplant surgeon

Monday 22 June 2015

Baldness ? Shave your head and don’t worry about it ….yeah right !

I see a lot of men who are suffering from hair loss. Most of them are in the early twenties or thirties,  and its fair to say they are pretty devastated.

Do you really want to shave it all off?
Even if your father is bald and has been as long as you can remember, nothing can quite prepare you for losing your own hair.
They say that hair is the crowning glory of women, well I can show you plenty of men who feel the same.
Young men who suffer significant hair loss can look much older than their years, they know this of course and its this fact that upsets them the most. It can be confidence sapping and an obstacle in developing relationships.
I see lots of men who come for consultation with their spouse or partner. Whilst many partners are sympathetic to the problem , others can be dismissive. “ I like him as he is “, “ I don’t know why he is worried “ , are typical comments.
Some women suggest that the easiest ( and cheapest) solution to their Partners hair loss is to shave the head completely and forget about it. These comments are made usually, in a way which is meant to be constructive, but the fact remains that in most cases they are very unhelpful.
When the partner of a balding man rolls this old chestnut out I usually ask them if they would be prepared to do the same if they started to lose their hair. That usually puts that suggestion to bed.
I am convinced baldness is accepted in society as something that happens to men, but if it’s happening to you, well that’s something else. For many men baldness is something that can only happen to others.
I remember a time in the mid nineties when skinhead haircuts were the style to be seen with ( at least for young men ). For those losing their hair this was a style that was heaven-sent. Short hair styles tend to take the accent off hair loss. As a result hair transplants  were not so popular. Now things seem to have changed completely. Whilst there is nothing against a short hairstyle, latest male fashion trends in hair seem to favour longer styles.
This is especially true of hairstyles which leave the hair longer on the top. To a balding man this can spell trouble since longer hair on top tends to add weight to the hair, therefore making the balding areas more visible. The only exception to this perhaps is if you are a fan of the much maligned comb over.
So, hair transplants are back again big time. More and more men are following the Wayne Rooney trail and getting a FUT or FUE hair transplant.
Modern day hair transplants are completely natural looking and the fact that celebrities are openly taking the plunge is testament to that.
Overall Partners of balding men are thankfully very supportive when they understand how distraught their other half is about losing their hair. For him it’s a race against time to stop their hair falling out any more and re-growing the hair that’s been lost.
At the end of the day is all boils down to a race for lost confidence and the necessity to hold on to all that is associated with being young, including having a head of hair.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

40% Discount on FUE Hair Transplant UK | Cosmetic Surgery Offers Deals

For the SUMMER ONLY Moorgate Aesthetics is offering a FANTASTIC 40% discount on Hair Transplant.

hair-transplant-offerIf you book a consultation with our plastic surgeon and you decide to go for the FUE Hair transplant procedure, Moorgate Aesthetics will give 40% discount.
Instead of £5 per graft you will be charged ONLY £3 per graft ! and to top this we can offer you a cosmetic surgery loan for easy monthly payments.



At Moorgate Aesthetics we have a track record of providing high quality hair transplants for our patients.

Here are just a few reasons why you should contact us about the Follicular Unit Transplantation procedures that we offer:
  • Proven to restore hair quickly and effectively
  • Prompt patient recovery time
  • Boost self esteem and your self confidence

It’s easy to make your appointment.

Book Now Just give us a call on 01302 246 130 or email us at and we will do the rest !
Awarded by

Why not take advantage with this discount and apply for a loan for the overall cost of your cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic Surgery Loan
Moorgate Aesthetics offer our customers Flexible Finance Packages on all Cosmetic Surgery Procedures over £750.
Its Simple, to apply for finance and it takes just a few minutes. Book your free Consultation now and get all the facts and figures that you need on our range of finance offers.
  • Flexible finance packages.
  • Monthly payments over 1 to 5 years.
  • No deposit loans available up to £15,000
  • Difficult cases considered.
  • Been turned down elsewhere ?  we may be able to help.
  • Log book loans available …use your car to help finance your surgery.
  • Free consultations with surgeons..or just come and see us to chat about the best way to raise funds for your cosmetic surgery

How Does The FUE Procedure Work?

FUE stands for follicular unit extraction. Hair is taken from the back and /or sides and transplanted into the thinning or bald area. The procedure is done under local anaesthetic. In most cases clients have more than enough hair at the back of the head to replace lost hair on top, without any detection at the back of the head, this area is called the donor area.

The FUE Hair Transplant Results

Your new hair will start to regrow between three and six months later. It will grow just as it did at the back of the head. The same colour, same rate – just the same as before! All you will need to do going forward it get it cut and styled.
We can recreate a lost hairline and cover a bald patch on the crown – it’s up to you!
Because we use a local anesthetic you can go home after the procedure. Allow a week for recover time as you are likely to get some swelling to the operated area at first.

The Medical Team

Dr Ali has a special team around him that assist him during your hair transplant procedure. The FUE grafts are specially prepared before placing in the recipient area. The whole process is very organised and controlled to ensure maximum growth of your newly implanted hair.
For Hair Transplant surgery we have consultations available with Dr Harris Haseeb. Mr Haseeb has been involved in the art of Hair Restoration Surgery since 1997. In the private and public sector Dr Haseeb is highly regarded in the field of hair restoration surgery. He has considerable experience in both F.U.T and F.U.E procedures which are in high demand by discerning Patients.
A hair transplant is not a cheap procedure. However, when the hair has been transplanted that’s it. You will not need to have any other treatment. The hair will keep growing even in the area where hair has previously fallen out. In recent years hair transplants have enjoyed a revolution as famous celebrities have taken the plunge and decided to get their hair back.

Please see Our FAQ’s for more information about the Hair Transplant Procedure

Thursday 26 February 2015

Eyebrow Transplants Explained

Eyebrow Transplants Explained

Amazed with the results of eyebrow transplant
Amazed with the results of eyebrow transplant

Cosmetic procedures come in a number of different forms, and some are better known than others. Currently we are seeing an increase in demand for a treatment that is perhaps not particularly well known, and that treatment is eyebrow transplants. So, in order to let you know exactly what they are, how they work and why people decide to opt for them, we’ve compiled this quick guide below…

What Are Eyebrow Transplants?

They are pretty much as the name suggests: those who are unsatisfied with their eyebrows can take hair from a different part of the body – usually from behind the ears – and then have this surgically transplanted into their eyebrows. This then creates fuller eyebrows, and we are able to tailor the end results to suit your own personal preferences.

Why Do People Have Eyebrow Transplants?

There are many reasons why people have eyebrow transplants UK wide, but they all eventually point to one thing: they want to look better. Many people are self-conscious that their eyebrows are sparse and this can be down to a number of reasons. Perhaps the most common reason is simply due to the effects of aging, however we also see many patients who have over-plucked their eyebrows earlier in their life. While this is an issue that usually affects women, it is important to mention that we also have had a number of male patients undergoing this treatment.

How Does the Process Work?

The process is a reasonably simple one. We will firstly give the patient a sedative – although the procedure is not painful – and then begin to remove hairs from the head, complete with the follicles. We’ll remove as many as needed in order to gain the look you want. Once we have all these hairs, we will then delicately transplant them one by one into the eyebrows, until the perfect result is gained. The whole procedure generally takes around two hours to complete.
 eyebrow hair transplant pic

Are Results Permanent?

Absolutely. Once the transplant has been completed, you will continue to have fuller eyebrows forever. Of course, should you decide that you want another change, we will always be on hand to help with that. It should be noted that full results will not be seen for around 12 months after the procedure has been completed.

Is There Any Downtime?

When it comes to your everyday life, there is no need to change your routine at all. This means that you are able to return to work straight away. The only thing that we’d recommend is that you avoid sweating too much – meaning that exercise should be avoided – as the sweat could cause infections. We will, of course, provide you with full aftercare instructions when you leave after the procedure.

Who Will Perform the Procedure?

The procedure will be performed by one of our highly experienced surgeons, who have completed many of these procedures during their careers and know that they can perform the best eyebrow transplants UK citizens can find. They work within state-of-the-art surroundings, and will ensure that your procedure is carried out to the highest possible standards.
If you would like further information on eyebrow transplants please contact us without delay by telephone or by email – we’ll be glad to assist you with your enquiry !

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Eyebrow hair implants | Eyebrow transplants | eyebrow hair restoration

Eyebrow Transplant

Moorgate Aesthetics has recently seen a rise in the popularity of eyebrow transplants for people who are seeking bigger, fuller brows with natural-looking, permanent results:

this surge in demand could be a result of the prominence of celebrities such as Keira Knightley, Megan Fox, Brooke Shields, Jennifer Connelly and model of the moment Cara Delevingne.
The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons noted soaring interest in the procedure due to the high profile of the Duchess of Cambridge and her “natural” look.
Eyebrow restoration is an excellent way to replace eyebrows or touch up small areas of hair loss that result from scars, genetic causes or over-plucking caused by the trend from previous years.
Got-thining-or-no-eyebrow-hair ?
Got-thining-or-no-eyebrow-hair ?
Each time you pull out a hair, you run the risk of pulling out a bit of root. Over time, this leads to the hair getting increasingly fine and, in many cases, eventually stops growing entirely.

Don’t delay, make contact with us now by telephone 01302 246 130or book an appointment to see what we can do for you!

Meet Our Qualified hair Transplant Surgeon

Dr Harris Haseeb
Dr Harris Haseeb
Dr Harris Haseeb has been involved in the art of Hair Restoration Surgery since 1997. In the private and public sector Dr Haseeb is highly regarded in the field of hair restoration surgery. He has considerable experience in both F.U.T and F.U.E procedures which are in high demand by discerning Patients.
Dr Ali, a consultant dermatologist, leads our hair transplant team. Dr Ali and his team perform both the FUE, FUT and strip method of hair transplantation, delivering superb results. Consultations for hair transplantation are available across the UK and they are entirely free of charge. 


Eyebrow transplants are designed to restore growing hair to eyebrows that are overly thin, scarred, or completely missing.
FUT eyebrow hair
FUT & FUE eyebrow hair transplant

Moorgate Aesthetics uses a technique called follicular unit transplantation & follicular extraction; this involves the removal of donor follicles from the back of the patient’s head. The donor hairs that have come from the scalp which, when transplanted into the eyebrows, continue to grow for a lifetime and therefore need to be trimmed typically once a month.
To provide a natural appearance, the hairs are transplanted primarily one and occasionally two at a time, the natural way eyebrow hairs grow. This is a very delicate procedure, requiring perfect placement of these hairs into tiny (half-millimetre) incisions that are angled at just the right direction and positioned to mimic natural growth.
Natural Permanent Results
Natural Permanent Results
A procedure typically involves the placement of 50 to as many as 325 hairs into each eyebrow, depending upon the existing amount of hair and the desired size and density. Performed usually under a mild oral sedative, the two-hour procedure is essentially painless.

Our qualified hair transplant surgeon will discuss the arch shape, appropriate thickness of hair, space between brows, and brow length individually designed based on your requirements, facial type and features.

Book Your Appointment Now!

Don’t delay, book your Eyebrow hair transplant appointment with us now! Call us on:01302 246 130, or contact us and we’ll be glad to assist you.